Last updated: 29 April 2020, 14:00 (UK time)
In the light of Covid-19, we wanted to let you know what you can expect from British Council Education in the coming months.
We understand that this is a difficult time for the education sector and educators and research professionals across the globe. We have always believed that education connects us, and at this time of uncertainty, this is more important than ever.
We’re committed to ensuring that people all over the world have access to education and remain connected. We hope that through new approaches to our work, we will continue to provide opportunities for students, researchers and educators around the world during a difficult and unpredictable time.
At the moment, we are working hard to deliver as many activities as we can while listening and responding to the relevant government and health authority guidance in the countries in which we operate.
Where it is not currently safe or practical to continue as planned, we are putting projects on hold, and we will reschedule them when it becomes possible to resume.
The health and wellbeing of our colleagues, partners and everyone engaged with our programmes and services are our priority during this rapidly evolving situation.
We have provided programme updates and links to relevant resources below.