Courses for Industry & Professions
Britannia Education provides courses for partners across the globe, in fields as diverse as education, industry, and professions seeking international experience in the UK.
We can assist in designing a completely original course for you, or provide you with an easy to plan and easy to cost modular structure, covering a range of language and academic based areas of study.
Modern enterprise and industry increasingly demand an international outlook as well as creative ability, not just for managers but across all staff.

Britannia Education is an expert in developing these skills, and Great Britain offers the opportunity to explore the industry from its 19th-century roots to global names in manufacturing and the modern creative economy.
Modules incorporating course for Specific Purposes and Applied Education can be incorporated into a
core of tailor-made course to give attendees confidence in their communicative skills and specific, tailored experiences which will inform their work.
A workforce of highly-motivated and well-trained staff can make a huge difference to your organisation’s
efficiency, productivity and bottom line, and Britannia Education can assist you in achieving this.